Pierwsze spotkanie - Florencja, 12-17.02.2008

Final Program: Schedule for the Kick-off Meeting
15:00 welcome starting with a coffee FST
16:30 introduction into HIPST UB/UO/GTZ
17:00 get to know each other, self-presentations of partners and members of the advisory board (see guidlines) FST/UB
20:00 dinner FST
09:00 technical and financial issues GTZ
10:30 coffee break FST
11:00 clarification of objectives, workpackages and duties UB/UO
12:30 lunch break FST
14:00 steering committee meeting GTZ
15:00 visit historical collections of the Fondazione including lecture demonstration FST
19:00 dinner FST
09:00 integration of science teachers and other practitioners into research and development: approaches and perspectives UB
09:30 collaboration of schools, research and museums: approaches and
perspectives FST/UO/UL
10:00 coffee break FST
10:30 the role and organization of national meetings UO/UB
11:00 empirical assesment of effectiveness of case studies AUTH
11:30 wiki and web activities within HIPST UL
12:00 lunch break FST
13:00 coffee / meeting of advisory board AB
14:00 final notes FST/UB
15:00 visit museum of history of science FST
19:30 dinner FST

Skróty: AUTH Thessaloniki, BME Budapest, FST Florence, GTZ GTZ Berlin, HUJI Jerusalem, UB Bremen, UL Lisbon, UO Oldenburg

Dr J. Turło - Prezentacja wygłoszona podczas spotkania

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